Our History

The day after Christmas 2010, Front Porch Pops proprietor and chef, Erin Whitcomb, sat on a bar stool in Seattle next to her friend Kiah. In a moment of Maker's Mark-fueled bravery, she blurted out, "So, I've been thinking about popsicles...like a lot."

Over a year after being laid off from her job as an event planner at a TV station she was mulling over the notion of pursuing her first love of cooking as a new career path. Well-versed in Erin's history of delicious creations, Kiah replied, "Awesome! Go for it!" With that, Front Porch Pops was born. Well...almost...

Months of recipe development, research and what many deemed frighteningly pop-centric behavior ensued before finally, in June 2011, we proudly sold our first pop. From that first Tangy Lemon Cream sold to a dear friend at the American Legion in Placentia where we had our first kitchen, to our new shops in Orange, Tustin, and downtown Santa Ana, we take great pride in handcrafting gourmet ice pops and ice cream in more flavors than you can shake a stick at!


Our Pop Philosophy

We use real fruit and fresh dairy to make our pops.

Our pops are handcrafted by our staff using our own recipes.

You'll never find artificial colors, flavors or high-fructose corn syrup in our pops. Ever.

We use locally grown, organic produce whenever we can.

We sell our pops at farmer's markets and take great pride in saying, "The plums from that farmer over there are in this popsicle right here!"

You deserve to know what's in your pops. We'll always be able to tell you exactly what ingredients we used.